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Magic System Rough Draft.

5 posters

Should this be our system

Magic System Rough Draft. Vote_lcap0%Magic System Rough Draft. Vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
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1Default Magic System Rough Draft. Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:36 pm

The Hallowed Fate

The Hallowed Fate

Hello everyone, I'm The Hallowed Fate, and I hope to be the one to write up the magic system for the new persistant world. I realize this is a large task to take on, as magic is such an important subject, but I'm willing to take it on.

For now, there isn't enough material to write a full fledged guide, and the sample size is too small anyways. The purpose of this thread is to gather all the opinions and ideas in one place, for me to later organize into a complete guide. Afterwards, this guide will hopefully become official, and one of the most controversial subjects will be taken care of.

Basically, ideas will be submitted here, and judged by the rest of the playerbase. Those receiving more than a 60% acceptance rate (at the end of a set time.) will be added to the original post for me to put in the complete guide. I'll kick this off with a few ideas of my own or found around the forum and expanded upon.

1. --On a Magical Power Source.--
Rook wrote:I disagree with trying to be too original with the common power scource. A big problem with the last PW was that everything was supposed to be 'original' but in fact was the same damn thing with a wierd name that basically shouted to every person who hadn't read the huge argument over said names "Run! Run away! This is complicated!"

Just to contribute my own idea, how about energy that is released from all living things when they die and is collected by large crystals mounted atop spires within cities whose power pertains to this scource. the larger the crystal the larger the city or the more advanced the tech. Some places like the aforementioned Tiki islands wouldn't have any such crystals or only a very small one.

These crystals and their positions on spires/towers above cities would make them very influential to the world around them. They would be primary objectives during battles to take control of the city, kingdoms or countries that had excess crystals would have higher tech and could tamper witht he power balances of smaller factions by feeding them more crystals.
-Thanks to Rook.

And better yet, I have an idea for the 'energy that is released from all living things when they die'. See number two.

2. --On Auras, and Alchemy.--
Every living creature has a source of energy deep within them. This source, called a 'core' radiates power continuously, and during the few instances in which it manifests itself in visible light, it would appear as a layer of light over the skin, varying in color for each person. Most people go their entire lives without even realizing such a thing exists, but those people with powerful auras can do much more with it.

Those that dive headlong into this power, finding new ways to use it and become more powerful, are called Alchemysts. Alchemysts can control their auras with startling accuracy. They can reach out with them like using an extra extremity, able to condense them enough to make them solid. This is where the idea of telekinesis came from, alchemysts using their auras to move things. Alchemysts can manifest their auras, that is, make them visible or solid. They can even use it to practice magic, atleast the minor spells, much like Wizards use the Weave, which is nothing more than the Aura of the planet. (Wizards and Spells: Coming soon.)

Alchemy is a strange blend of Magic and Science. Alchemysts can use the power of Magic to accelerate growth or changing things back to their natural state. (Ex. Making limbs grow out of hardwood.) One of their most commonly used skills is transmuting, turning one thing into another. Any novice can turn water into sugars, But only the most accomplished can do the amazing feat of turning Lead into Gold.

Elaboration later, I have to go for a while.

Anyways, any new ideas should be numbered. (Starting at three, since I just used one and two.) The rules are subject to change, provided a majority wants the change. This is just the begginning, I expect something very different by the time we're finished.

2Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:01 pm



Keep one thing in mind whilst doing this magic system stuff, hun: The more space for elbow room, the better.

That's all I'm going to say (:


3Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:22 pm

The Hallowed Fate

The Hallowed Fate

But of course. I had planned on leaving it as open ended as possible; only setting up guidelines and rules. Magic is magic, it has to be open-ended.

Arg Bunnay! I didn't want a poll here! This is simply to submit ideas, not the actual system! Take it away before people get confused.

4Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:43 pm


I like the aura concept but we need to find some way to seperate it from the crystal idea if my suggestion is in the final product simply becuase if I understand what youa re saying then any Alchemyst could feed a crystal with his energy or possibly the energy of others. While this could be an intesting sacraficial angle for a plot line it could also work against the order of things since this form of energy seemingly has no limit.

One way to possibly seperate the two while keepingthem related would be that the crystals could only absorb the raw, unmanifested energy of living things that is released upon death(this goes with my earlier idea) but the crystals will not absorb the controlled and tampered with forms of energy an Alchemyst utilizes. It has been agreed upon (I think ) that our magic system will have it's limits in what people can do an how much of it they can so if we could get a bar placed at how powerful or how much of an aura can be drawed upon then I think this should work.

5Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:14 pm

The Hallowed Fate

The Hallowed Fate

But of course. The aura thing does have limits, in that it's not a bottomless pit of energy, and you can't do everything with it. Also, It should be made impossible for alchemysts to tamper with these crystals, they only absorb the auric energy of things that have died. The death of an alchemyst may charge a crystal a bit more, but that is all.

6Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:28 pm


Sure, as long as we don't have people vamping a medieval town up to a super tech city by force feeding the crystal then that part is all taken care of. All that is left is to come up with a few specific but simple guidlines for what Alchemysts can and can't do and how often they can do it.

7Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:14 am



I support the idea of having magic bieng a tangible source, almost like oil or like crystals. That way people will be able to buy magic, use it and if people say yes to money magic would definitaly only be used in moderation.
Also, I like alchemy, you hit the nail on the head there. You know i'd love to see people sew animals together and make new animals like a cockatrice and all that Smile, I also think that turning lead to gold has to be really hard. You need lots of chemicals and stuff, it takes a long time and other things which will stop people just continuislly doing it.


8Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:06 am


Lets avoid buying magic. The crystal and oil ideas were for power scources not magic scources though I suppose they could be implimented I don't think people will enjoy having to buy their fireballs...I wouldn't.

9Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:01 pm



No I suppose it wouldn't but it would a pretty good system to stop godmods and numb the use of magic.


10Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:04 pm



I didn't add the poll, hun, just saying xP It was there when I got here.


11Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:48 pm



Fate, if I can talk to Aerinder and get a copy of the original PW1 or PW2 rules on magic, will you be willing to take a look at it and compare notes? In fact, would anyone here like a copy of the original documents posted in this forum?

12Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:50 pm



Might be useful to compare and contrast our ideas with! (:


13Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:51 pm



That would be helpful actually.

PW3 magic rules, lets not make soemthing so complicated.


14Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:48 pm

The Hallowed Fate

The Hallowed Fate

Thanks so much, I actually asked Mahz for a copy of that, but now I've got one. The plan is to use the same template but with a different system; So I can address everything that the past PW creators did.

15Default Re: Magic System Rough Draft. Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:13 pm


Oh God I remember the PW3 magic rules. My eyes hurt after reading just some of that text. I would scroll down and see the other ten paragraphs I still needed to read and would groan out loud.

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